Animal Welfare League of Alexandria
Virtual opportunities
The Animal Welfare League of Alexandria (AWLA) is assisted by a vibrant corps of volunteers who help with everything from dog walking and cat socializing to wildlife transport and even gardening. AWLA volunteers keep the shelter running smoothly. Never afraid to roll up their sleeves and tackle a new task, the AWLA’s dedicated volunteers pitch in when and where they are needed most, sometimes at high-profile events and sometimes folding the mountains of laundry generated every day. Every task is important, and we sincerely appreciate every volunteer hour. Volunteering at the AWLA is a two-way street. Volunteers give their time and talent and receive the love and affection of hundreds of animals (and humans!) in return.

How to Volunteer:
If you are younger than 18:
1. Visit the AWLA youth website to learn more about how to participate in the program that interests you.
2. Email if you have any questions.
If you are 18 or older:
1. Fill out the prospective volunteer interest form.
2. You will receive an email regarding a New Volunteer Information Session that you must attend.
Volunteer Form (18+):
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 703-746-4774
How to Fundraise/Donate:
1. Organize an in-person fundraising event. Set a date, time, and location in advance. Creating a flyer would be an effective way to spread the word for your cause.
2. Host a social media fundraiser on Instagram or Facebook.
3. Start your own donation drive where neighbors, family, and friends can drop off items for you to donate to AWLA.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 703-746-4774

What do AWLA youth volunteers do?​​
Virtual volunteering activities:
At-Home Projects:
​There are a variety of projects that can be completed and dropped off at our shelter. Many of these projects, like the cut hotdogs, are used throughout the entire day and are essential.
At-Home Projects and donations can be dropped off at the shelter any day of the week, from 9 am to 5 pm. If someone is bringing cut hotdogs, we ask them to wave to a staff member inside the building and place the hotdogs on the bench for us to come out and grab so they do not get warm!
​Students can get involved in fundraising or a donation drive for our shelter. This website will provide you with pictures to post, thank you cards, and flyers!
In-shelter volunteering activities: (not currently available)
Family Fun Nights
Shelter Tours
Pawsitive Action Club
Book Buddies
Teen Service Nights